Outdoor Safety: Yard and Pool

Recent statistics from the Consumer Product Safety Commission reveal a concerning trend, where over 200,000 children are rushed to U.S. hospital emergency rooms annually due to injuries linked to playground equipment. This data underscores the urgency of prioritizing outdoor safety and implementing appropriate measures to prevent such accidents, ensuring that children can play without unnecessary risks to their well-being.

Spending time outdoors provides numerous benefits for children, allowing them to explore, play, and develop a love for nature. From childproofing the yard to installing pool safety fences and protecting against outdoor hazards, this article offers valuable advice to help you create a safe outdoor space for your family.

Childproofing the Yard

  • Secure Boundaries: Install sturdy fences around your yard to prevent young children from wandering off and to keep unwanted visitors out. Ensure that the fence is at least four feet high and has self-closing, self-latching gates.
  • Check for Hazards: Regularly inspect your yard for potential hazards, such as sharp objects, broken glass, or poisonous plants. Remove any items that could cause injury and ensure that the area is clear of debris or tripping hazards.
  • Lock Up Tools and Chemicals: Store gardening tools, lawn equipment, and chemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers, in a secure shed or locked cabinet. Keep them out of reach of children to prevent accidents or ingestion of harmful substances.
  • Remove Dangerous Plants: Identify and remove toxic plants from your yard. Some common examples include poison ivy, oleander, and certain mushrooms. Consult with a local gardening expert if you are unsure about the safety of any plants in your yard.

Pool Safety

  • Install a Fence: Install a four-sided fence around the pool area with self-closing and self-latching gates. The fence should be at least four feet high, have no gaps, and be climb-resistant.
  • Pool Covers and Alarms: Consider using a pool cover when the pool is not in use to prevent accidental falls. Additionally, install pool alarms that alert you if someone enters the pool area or if there is any disturbance in the water.
  • Supervision: Always supervise children when they are near the pool, even if they know how to swim. Designate a responsible adult as the “water watcher” who remains focused on supervising children during pool activities.
  • Swim Lessons and Water Safety Education: Enroll children in age-appropriate swim lessons to develop their water skills. Teach them about water safety rules, such as not running near the pool and not diving in shallow water.
  • Learn CPR: Learning CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is essential for every adult in the household. CPR can be a life-saving skill in case of any water-related emergencies.

Recommended pool covers & fences and alarms

Pool Covers & Fences

pool safety fencesHappybuy Pool Safety Cover

This variation of pool cover is designed to fit a 20×40 ft pool. TThe cover is made of high-strength polypropyene, ensuring durability and resistance to high temperatures and abrasion. The cover’s strong tensile toughness enhances safety for children, domestic animals, and pets by preventing accidental drowning. Available in different sizes.
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Love Story 3′ x 10′ Charcoal Screen Fence Coverpool safety fences 

Crafted from 100% new high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material, these covers offer superior safety and comfort, allowing a refreshing breeze and light to pass through. With 90% blockage, the commercial fabric ensures privacy. The Deck Shield Cover, measuring 3’ tall x 10’ long, suits 3′ tall chain link fences, with features like anti-oxidation treatment and aluminum grommets for durability.
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Patio Paradise Privacy Screen Fence

pool safety fencesExperience security and privacy at its finest. Enjoy up to 95% visibility blockage with a sleek 200GSM design, ideal for balconies, patios, pools, and more. With rust-resistant grommets and reinforced seams, this screen is both easy to install and remove, providing an elegant and breezy outdoor privacy solution. Available in different sizes and can be purchased by pieces.
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Pool Alarms

PoolGuard Water Hazard Pool Door Alarm

The Poolguard Door Alarm is a battery-powered and has an outdoor wireless transmitter pass-thru feature. It is designed to sound within 7 seconds if a child goes through the door and closes it behind them. However, it includes an adult pass-through feature that allows adults to pass through the door without triggering the alarm.
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Lifebuoy Pool Alarm System

The Lifebuoy pool alarm is equipped with motion detector sensors that trigger an alarm if a child or pet falls into the water, making it suitable for various types of pools. The system includes a smart Bluetooth app for easy setup and control, allowing adjustments to sensitivity and siren length. The Lifebuoy system is suitable for pools up to 20 ft X 40 ft, and multiple systems can be used for larger pools.
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Outdoor Hazard

  • Sun Safety: Protect your children from the harmful effects of the sun by applying sunscreen with a high SPF, providing shade through umbrellas or canopies, and ensuring they wear appropriate clothing and hats. Limit outdoor activities during peak sun hours.
  • Insect Protection: Protect against insect bites by using appropriate insect repellents, wearing long-sleeved clothing, and avoiding areas with known insect infestations. Regularly check for ticks after spending time in grassy or wooded areas.
  • Playground Safety: If you have a playground in your yard, ensure that it meets safety standards. Install a shock-absorbing surface, such as rubber mulch or sand, under playground equipment. Regularly inspect equipment for any signs of wear or damage.
  • Outdoor Toy Safety: Check outdoor toys, such as bicycles, skateboards, and scooters, for any defects or loose parts. Ensure that children wear appropriate safety gear, including helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads, while using these toys.

Emergency Preparedness

  • First Aid Kit: Keep a well-stocked first aid kit in an easily accessible location. Regularly check and replenish supplies as needed.
  • Emergency Contacts: Have a list of emergency contact numbers, including the local hospital, poison control center, and your family doctor, saved in a visible place or programmed into your phone.
  • Teach Basic First Aid: Teach older children basic first aid techniques, such as treating minor cuts, burns, and insect bites. Encourage them to seek adult help in case of any emergencies.
  • Know Your Location: Make sure everyone in the household knows the address and how to provide clear directions to emergency services if needed.
Remember, outdoor safety requires ongoing attention, regular inspections, and updates. By prioritizing outdoor safety, you empower your children to explore and play with unwavering confidence, fostering their growth and happiness amidst the beauty of nature.



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